Monday, January 21, 2008

I have a dream...

On Friday my students wrote "I have a dream..." speeches and they were so sweet (and some hilarious) that I just had to share them:

I have a dream that everybody will not have to go through bad things like shooting, murdering, and raping.

I have a dream that lots of people make it through hurricanes, raining, and storms.

I have a dream that my family stays alive.

I have a dream that nobody does drugs.

I have a dream that people help others.

I have a dream that nobody shouted out or called mean names.

I have a dream that life would last longer than it does.

I have a dream that everybody was nice to each other.

I have a dream that everybody has a nice teacher.

I have a dream that people would stop killing.

I have a dream that everybody had a house.

I have a dream that everyone was healthy.

I have a dream that I can save the poor people.

I have a dream that I can fix up all the houses from hurricane Katrina.

I have a dream that everybody has a girlfriend.

I have a dream that everybody gets flying cars.

I have a dream that everyone love instead of hate.

I have a dream that everybody over the world, black, white, Mexican and Chineese can join together and sing the National Anthem together.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Out of the mouths of babes. Sometimes progress seems questionable, like when you look at your babies.