Friday, May 2, 2008


Why do they disrespect me?
Why do they listen when I yell?
How can they say these awful things to each other?
Do they know that hard work is what will get them places?
Why do they not stop fighting when I am in the middle of it?
Why don’t they seem to ever feel ashamed of their own actions?
How can they say they hate the stupid class and then give me a hug five minutes later?
Why is it always someone else’s fault?
Why does the problem have to be solved through physical contact?
Do they have any idea that I completely changed my life to teach them?
Why do they act like everything is indispensable?
Why do they feel the need to damage everything?
Do they know that I use my own money to buy them these rewards?
Do they think I am rich?
Do they have any idea how young they are?
And most importantly...
Do they know that they are brilliant?


Paula said...

Just keep showing them the way Baby Girl! Try not to yell. Try not to let them disrespect you or each other. It's all they know. Do they know the unconditional love of God? Or of any one person in their life? If you can give that to them, it is the greatest gift any person can give another. Christ taught us that. All you do is not in vain. It is for a greater good. What if you only reach one person in your life? Is that enough? Is it enough that one person might sometime in their life make a different decision because of some little thing you said or did stuck with them? I believe with every cell of my being that that one action or word is enough. It's salvation to a weary world. Do I believe that your life will change or influence only one person? Impossible. You are a special being, created for more than I can even imagine. Your short 23 years have proven to be influencial to many. Don't lose hope Sarah Jean. Remember your Jesus. I love you and believe in you even when you don't,

Bill said...

Hey Sarah,
I really enjoy your blog. It gives me an insight into your thoughts and experiences. You are making a difference in all your babies lives, they just don't know it yet. Model yourself after that wonderful minister at your church. I still think about her all the time even though we only talked to her for five minutes. You can be that kind of model for others.
Love you,