Saturday, November 8, 2008

Barack Obama is the President of the United States of America. It is finally really sinking in. After a day of screaming GEAUXBAMA and BARACK THE VOTE, my friends and I sat down to watch the election. When the results were called I was silent. I had nothing to say. There was hooting and hollering on the porch, phone calls, and I just sat there. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Barack Obama. The first black president of the United States of America. It was a victory for our country, for civil rights, for my students, for my community. How blessed I am to witness such an event.

I believe in him and I believe that he will bring the change that he promises. Everyone has a right to believe what they want. I just hope that now that the election is come to a close, that everyone can support him and the decision that our country has made. I pray that the divisions created by the drama of this election can fall and that we can come together with great pride for our country and for our future. Our country needs change, no one can argue with that. I am excited to see how we will move forward, conquering adversity along the way.

I was brought to tears again when our school received a letter from the president elect. It arrived on November 5th to a teacher whose students had written him letters a few months ago. It was a beautiful letter. Words of encouragement of belief and of high expectations - the things I try to share with my students everyday – but this time from Barack Obama. I am going to get a copy of it and read it to my students every week – it’s a good reminder of why I am here.

“If you are walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you will make progress.” – Barack Obama

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